baby bacon

by Stacy

My husband’s best friend recently became a dad! His wife ate copious amounts of bacon during our numerous brunches during her pregnancy, leading us to jokingly refer to her growing belly as “Baby Bacon.” They wanted a Swedish name, so we even looked up the Swedish word for bacon to be stealth-inserted as a middle name. (It was “skinka,” which was rejected.)

After her baby showers, the mom-to-be expressed disappointment in the lack of bacon-themed baby goods. Oh but wait.

bacon onesie - frontbacon onesie - back

bacon onesie - front detail
bacon onesie - back detail

All you need is a blank baby onesie, some embroidery floss, and a bit of spare time (say, backstage, or in the green room during tech). Voila! Bacon onesie.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?

They received the onesie tonight and were very pleased. Modeled photos are promised, but as the baby is only a month old (and pretty small), the 3-6 month size will have to wait. I did get to hold her for a good bit tonight and she was very good and didn’t spit up on me. Hooray!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Paulette May 8, 2009 at 9:35 pm

That is hilariously cute!!


stacy May 13, 2009 at 12:32 am

Thanks! It was fun and satisfying to get it started and done so fast. =)


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