Back IIN Action

by Stacy

September has been an action-packed month! And it’s not over yet…

My husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary by having 4 house guests over the course of a week. Two days after they all left, I flew to New York City (it’s a long way there from San Diego!) to spend the weekend with 4,000 other health coaches.

My health coaching school held a conference featuring some amazing speakers (more posts on that later) and the opportunity to connect with other coaches I’d only “met” online. It was a great weekend that left me inspired and motivated and nourished.

That said, it drove a few points home for me, too.

While in NYC, I stayed with a friend I’ve known since junior high school. She’s stressed. So stressed. She has a million things going on, she’s not sleeping enough, she’s not eating right, her body is tense, she struggles to fit in exercise, and she’s subsisting on coffee and carbs.

Sound familiar?

The day I arrived, I met her in Manhattan where we grabbed a train to see a dress rehearsal of a new musical in New Jersey. The train ride home gave us about 90 minutes to unravel her life a bit.

We walked through a few exercises I do with clients, and that helped her identify the actual problems she faces. Then I tested out the tips I’m offering in my upcoming teleclass.

When we got back to her apartment, she sat down and took care of a few things she had put off that had only been causing her stress. She was able to go to sleep with a clear mind.

We think that if we just work harder we will finally catch up and feel less stressed. Instead, we need to stop looking ahead and start being present to what we’re experiencing. Then we can identify the actual stressors in our lives and address them so we can move forward.

How would your life changed if you were less stressed out?

Find out during my FREE teleclass on Wednesday, September 28th:

Stop Stressing, Start Living!

  • Learn to prioritize what really matters, including yourself!
  • Get actionable steps for simple things you can do NOW to feel better.
  • Ask questions during Q&A to get personalized solutions on the call.

CLICK HERE to register.

Hope to connect with you there.

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