keeping it real

by Stacy

The past week has been a bit crazy. Since last Saturday, my husband has worked about 75 hours and still has two days to go.

Wednesday, I had a job interview (hooray!), and while I won’t know how that pans out for a while yet, it did lead to two days of overhire work in the prop shop Thursday and Friday.

Yesterday, my husband dropped me off at the theater on his way to work. After eight hours of crawling around, carrying chairs, painting, and more, I walked two miles (uphill) to the hotel to retrieve the car. A few hours later I went back to get him.

We collaborated on dinner. Especially when I’m not working, I do the vast majority of the cooking — not because my husband is incapable, he’s normally just tired and uninterested. So I did the veggie prep while he did the actual cooking.

mac n cheese with peas

Yep, I shelled peas from the CSA which we added to a box of mac and cheese.

It paired nicely with a glass of cabernet sauvignon shiraz blend. My spouse would disagree and say it paired even better with ketchup.

Ah, Friday night. Just keeping it real.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Bridget January 30, 2010 at 7:33 pm

Oh no you di’int!

Okay I had to google how to spell “di’int”. I am lamer than boxed mac and chz with fresh-shelled peas.

Also I am jealous of your fresh-shelled peas.

I hope things settle down for you soon!


stacy January 30, 2010 at 11:05 pm

Hah! That cracked me up =) And I don’t think it’s lame that you had to look up a made-up word. If you had to look up “didn’t,” that might be kind of lame.

I am jealous of your green chiles. And your awesome blog. So there.

Thank you!


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