random fall reflections

by Stacy

It’s fall, right? It was 85 degrees today in San Diego. It didn’t get above 80 during the summer, but here we are on November 2nd (I hope you voted!) and I’m wearing summer clothes.

We had a little learning curve on finding our polling place (in our old neighborhood since we didn’t change our address in time for this election) but voted in our first California election this year. I forgot to research all the propositions until today so felt a bit overwhelmed with all the information. Now we’re watching results roll in from everywhere.


Speaking of fall, Kathie is hosting a lovely fall project called A Season of Reflection. I’m joining her and several others in journaling this season. It seemed like a nice way to decompress after the pace of the last few months of my life.

The above photo is of the journal I took on our road trip which was a gift from my husband. Even though I love blogging, it can be so satisfying to write by hand.

My habit when using a travel journal is to try to document everything I do, but then I neglect other impressions or thoughts from the trip. This time I tried to summarize events more efficiently then spend more time reflecting on the experience. I also made an effort to ask my husband what he wanted to remember from each day and write that down, too.

Check out this set of photos from a daily planner-turned-art-journal. Mine is more along the words-in-black-ballpoint genre, but I love looking at art journals.

Do you keep a journal?

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Kathie November 3, 2010 at 9:04 am

What a lovely journal you have! Oh and I do love a beautiful art journal, though I don’t ever actually put one together myself.


Naomi November 3, 2010 at 8:39 pm

Thanks for the reminder. No time like the present to (begin or) start anew. The beautiful thing about paper is it won’t crash.


Birch November 6, 2010 at 8:15 am

I try to have some pre-connected paper about when we travel. If I’m really on the ball it’s the nice travel journal Grandma got us before we went to Iceland. More usually, I buy a notebook when we arrive then stuff the pages in the travel journal when we get home.

The best part about Iceland was everything we went into we got a sticker to say we’d paid. Perfect for sticking in the journal at the appropriate location, and it didn’t run away and get scrambled later.


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