recommended reading: local food

by Stacy

Unless you live under a rock, you have probably heard about the following information, generally. “Organic” can mean a lot of things, and when it comes to food, local is where it’s at. Local food, especially from smaller farms, is often organic (even if not labeled as such, they may use organic methods without paying for certification), doesn’t need to travel very far, because of its proximity, is usually fresher, riper, and less likely to be damaged in shipping, and (of course) supports the local economy.

That is a very general summary of just a few points. Entire books have been written about the topic. In fact, here are several:

Other local food resources:

  • Local Harvest lists farms, farmer’s markets, and CSA (community supported agriculture) based on your location

  • Eat Well Guide will search farmer’s markets, caterers, organizations, co-ops, bakers, and restaurants, too.
  • Your local food co-op! We’re not far from The Wedge, and I follow them on Twitter where they post specials, produce reports, and links to articles about local food and farms. Great info!

Any other great resources I don’t know about? There are tons more books, but I didn’t want the post to be as long as a novel…

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Kathie July 8, 2009 at 2:35 pm

I loved, loved, loved “Coming Home to Eat” by Gary Paul Nabhan. Eating local in the desert and written a few years before some of the more popular books on the same subject.


stacy July 9, 2009 at 11:54 am

Oh, that looks great, thank you! When browsing Amazon, it suggested another book that is about farmers in southeastern Minnesota which looked really interesting, too. Next trip the library is going to be a heavy one…


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