the evils of sunshine

by Stacy

Despite being old and lame, we’ve actually gone out three nights in a row! Thursday we met up with a high school friend of mine and two of the hubby’s former coworkers for drinks; Friday was his boss’s birthday, so we headed out to the Belly Up Tavern, but had to cut out early so my darling spouse could work at 7am the next day. Saturday night had us getting lost en route to crash the first of two birthday parties with a friend. The second was at Blind Lady Ale House, a rockin’ hipster joint with a wall o’ beer taps and local food which they inexplicably stop serving at 10pm.

After so much evening action, we decided to go for a walk this morning before the hubby’s afternoon shift. After a full week in California, I have yet to set foot on the beach and wanted to remedy that. In my mind, we were going to drive a mile down to the public beach with parking, go for a short stroll, and head back. As we left, my darling spouse suggested that we go to the reserve and hike the beach trail. I changed shoes and we headed out.

Please note what I did not say: “We slathered up with sunscreen.” Because we did not. And our Irish, German, English and Norwegian ancestors are cackling from beyond. How we managed to go for a 90-minute hike at 11am with no sunscreen is beyond me. At least we have aloe.

Since I haven’t actually posted any, here are a few shots I took on my first trip to the state park. They’re not earth-shattering by any means, but I was seeing what the local vegetation was all about.


succulent flower

some type of succulent

This last one is cheating as it was actually taken just outside the hotel.
It’s also a good representation of the color of my husband’s forehead right now. Sigh.


This area is heavy on topography, so it was a nice little hike. It was a little disheartening to have senior citizens sprinting past us on the way uphill, but they’ve obviously been practicing. We need to start hiking a lot more! But maybe a bit earlier in the day, or when it’s cloudy. And wear hats.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Annette September 14, 2009 at 7:51 am

Beautiful shots. Sad to hear about the new color (red). =/ Aloe is definately a girls or guys best friend!


stacy September 14, 2009 at 4:13 pm

Thank you!

We’ve both mellowed a bit today. My husband is in a bit worse shape since my facial moisturizer had SPF in it. I am thinking that I will need to get us an aloe plant for our balcony, though, once we have a place!


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