Remember way back on February 24th?
Oh, the anticipation of freshly-planted seeds.
Then came February 28th, an auspicious day in the lives of my tomato seeds. The same could not be said for my poor arugula, but enough dwelling on the past.
They’ve moved from the counter to a small table near a window that gets indirect sunlight, then I’ve set up a fluorescent light that I turn on when the sun sets to extend their day. Another four days gets us to this:
With seedlings, the trick is to keep the soil moist but not wet. The temptation is to water them too often. This can encourage “damping off,” and your seedlings can wilt and die.
Hopefully they will continue to flourish and many tasty tomatoes will be in my future.
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I planted seeds (tomatoes, peppers, basil) on Sunday, and I started checking for sprouts, oh…4 hours later maybe? And several times a day since. This morning I finally saw evidence of something coming up!
Hah, I am not going to admit how many times a day I just check on my li’l sprouts. Or that I may have rotated them and then stared at them for a few minutes just to see if I could actually see them lean towards the sun.
There is something satisfyingly 3rd grade science class about it.