giving thanks

by Stacy

bourbon pecan tart

Happy Thanksgiving!

My husband and I are in Minnesota for the week to spend Thanksgiving with our families. The photo above is the lunchtime treat my mom and I shared while doing some pre-Christmas shopping yesterday.

Both our sets of parents live here and we are thankful that they all get along which has allowed us to combine Thanksgiving feasts for several years. This year my in-laws hosted, so after having breakfast with my parents, our families converged and we all spent the day chatting and eating.

It was our first holiday going “back home” after moving away, and our next trip likely won’t be until next spring, so we are also thankful for the time we were able to spend with friends.

Tomorrow we are joining friends at our traditional farewell brunch venue which I hope to post about when we get back. And then we can start the countdown to Christmas. I’m pretty excited.

Our thanks were fairly straightforward this year: we are thankful for my husband’s new job that allowed us to move to sunny California, we are thankful to be able to spend the holiday with our families, we’re thankful for each other, we are thankful for the rain that Minnesota has received, and we are thankful that we can return to blue skies and sunshine tomorrow!

I am always thankful for those of you who come and visit (and leave comments on) my blog. It makes it much more fun for me! What are you thankful for this year?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Herpie November 27, 2009 at 12:23 pm

I am thankful for pumpkins


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