not our usual grocery run

by Stacy

After a brunch of corn pancakes at Maria’s Cafe, we stopped at a nearby grocery store on the way home. United Noodles is not our normal grocery shopping destination. It’s not even easy to find! Snuggled into a small industrial park is the Midwest’s largest Asian grocery next to a meat warehouse and Coastal Seafoods (closed Sundays!).

While United Noodles has a huge selection of fresh foods and packaged snacks, we had a short list. For about $13, this is what we ended up with:

asian grocery haul

Clockwise from top left: Extra firm tofu (2), giant bag o’ dried chiles, rice noodles (2), a bunch of scallions, mango, fresh ginger root, “family-size” tube of wasabi paste.

Much of it is destined for several large batches of pad Thai. The mango is destined for my belly. The wasabi is headed for wasabi mashed potatoes. Yum! Now we just have to wait several hours until we can even think about eating again!

Our original plan was to go on a date today to The Mill City Museum. It’s within walking distance, but we’ve only been in the lobby for a dinner. It was an admirable plan, but after brunch and errands, our date may be snuggling on the couch and watching HGTV. That’s not such a bad alternative to walking through the cold rain!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

tater1112 April 26, 2009 at 9:47 pm

Oh, Mill City is a great museum. If you didn’t make it you totally should in the near future.


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