garden update, july 14

by Stacy

my patio garden - july 14

Can you count the jalapenos and Roma tomatoes? So exciting!

I couldn’t get a good photo of the red pepper plants that have finally had a growth spurt. The war with the aphids is ongoing, but I think I have finally destroyed their headquarters, leaving only renegade bands of resistance. Siiiiiigh. Today was so windy, any pictures I tried to take were blurry!

Even though it’s late in the season, I sprouted a few more herbs – basil (which I had three sprouted plants due on me this spring!) and dill – and some arugula since aphids got my first batch.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Elin July 15, 2009 at 12:56 am

Hi Stacy,

How I envy you..those tomatoes and jalapenos and basil…so healthy and grown in a pot :)

I have passed the Kreativ Blogger Award to you :)



stacy July 16, 2009 at 3:00 am

Elin, I don’t have a yard, so it’s pots or nothing! This is my second year of having my garden, so I think I’m doing better.

Thank you so much for the award! I will have to think about who to pass it to.


Birch July 21, 2009 at 7:33 am

How can you justify killing poor little animals just to have your fancy dancy peppers? What kind of vegetarian are you, anyway!?!?

Oh, we have arugula in our box this year – yummy!



stacy July 21, 2009 at 12:14 pm

I am not a vegan and have no compunctions whatsoever about killing insects. I am not a preachy vegetarian, nor have I ever claimed to be. So keep your snarky arguments out of my garden, thank you very much!

Now I have tiny arugula sprouts. I could even call them gourmet microgreens if I was feeling fancy. Now stop bragging if you’re not gonna share.


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