
Check back often to see what I’m offering in the way of classes, workshops, new programs, and special events.

Current and Coming Up

What: Healthy Ninja Skillz teleseries
When: Wednesdays – May 30, June 6, and June 13
Where: From your phone (or get the recording)
Cost: FREE!
Seeking TWO individual coaching clients who want to take control of their lives.
See what other clients have said.

Click here to schedule your complimentary Spotlight Session!

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Past events

matt nathanson:lost myself in search of you

The Yoga of Eating Workshop

Desperation; Who holds your heart?

Eating for Energy Teleclass

salted oatmeal white chocolate cookies

Mindful Eating, Mindful Life Workshop


Stop Stressing, Start Living!

Day 3/366.....Fire, Wood & Stone

It’s NOT Selfish, It’s Self-Care! Teleclass

India - Haridwar - 010 - vegetables for sale in Bara Bazaar

Eating for Energy Teleclass