Honey Bee Exclusives

Hey there, Honey Bee! I’m so excited to offer these to you.

60-Minute Pantry Bust (normally $75)

Want to transition to a healthier diet but don’t know where to start? Together we’ll go through your pantry so you can start with a clean slate (and cupboards). We’ll toss what’s not working, discuss alternatives, and make a shopping list. I’ll also teach you how to read labels so it will be like I’m sitting on your shoulder at the grocery store!

Honey Bee Special: $60 (20% off)

*** This offer is good within an approximate 20 mile/30 minute driving radius from my home in City Heights. Only 5 sessions are available. Must schedule by December 15, 2015.

45-Minute Kick-in-the-Pants Coaching Session (normally $150)

If you never raised your hand in class, this is your jam. It’s the you show.

What is coaching, exactly?

As a certified holistic health coach, my job isn’t to tell you what you need to do. You already know. We work together to set goals (achievable ones!). My job is to help you discover and implement the strategies to make it happen. Of course I’ll have suggestions and resources for when you feel stuck, but mostly I have questions for you to keep you moving forward.

A great way to set yourself up for success in the new year!

What do I get out of it?

  • A roadmap out of where you’re stuck with specific goals and timelines
  • An empathetic ear with no agenda, judgment, or attachment to the outcome
  • A sounding board, cheerleader, and health ninja to cheer you on (or give you a little push)
  • An outside perspective on the whole picture of your life from someone who wants you to succeed

Honey Bee Special: $75 (50% off)

*** Session will take place over the phone or Skype. Must be scheduled by November 15, 2015.

Digital Bundle – Honey Bee Exclusive

Set yourself up for success!

Want all the extras that my one-on-one coaching clients get, but don’t need the actual coaching? Here’s your chance.

Get all my cheat sheets, PDFs, and client worksheets to work through at your own pace. Get tips on:

  • nutrition, health, and wellness
  • mindset and life balance
  • food journals, meal planning suggestions, and even recipes

Honey Bee Special: $17 (not available to anyone else)

Any questions? Please email stacy@centertagewellness.com and I’d love to help a bee out.