project: food budget, weeks 3 and 4

Life lessons. I’ve been tracking our grocery spending for the last two weeks, settling on a Thursday-through-Wednesday schedule for the convenience of these posts. I’m counting our CSA as a single $28 “charge” every other week since we rely more heavily on it the first week than the second. Thoughts from this week: I was […]

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csa share 10/20/11

Two years ago, I picked up our first CSA share. It was definitely a challenge at first. There was a learning curve. We composted a lot of vegetables. I learned to cook a lot of new items. My palate has expanded. My cooking skills have improved. Our health is better. We’ve both lost weight. We’ve […]

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project: food budget, weeks 1 and 2

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m participating in Project: Food Budget. This is the second round of the project. Emily invited me to participate last time, but trying to figure out a method of tracking my non-traditional approach to grocery shopping made my head explode. This time, she convinced me. To make it […]

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csa share 10/06/11

I think I’m project-ed out for the month. October Unprocessed is the easiest one so far. I’m hitting not one but two blogger events today in two different counties. Along with my virtual book club, I’m doing a 21-day detox diet. Lots of vegetables and green smoothies (all unprocessed, though!). Then I threw my hat […]

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spicy vegan butternut squash soup

Finally, a sure sign of fall in San Diego. We don’t get dramatic colored leaves or crisp air, but the return of rain to the desert means enough cloud cover to keep the temperature low enough to get out sweaters and soup pots. I’m really excited to be leading a mindful eating workshop tonight in […]

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Mindful Eating, Mindful Life

A lot of my clients ask me what to eat. Very few ask me how to eat. Of course the type of food you’re eating makes a difference. Sure, you can eat Twinkies and lose weight, but I wouldn’t call that a nutritious and healthy diet. The major struggle for many of my clients is […]

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What’s the Deal with Detoxes?

Do you know someone who has done a detox? (Not gone to detox, that’s different.) Chances are you think those people are crazy and can’t imagine doing such a ridiculous thing, right? I admit, I was one of those skeptics. MasterCleanse? No thank you. Green smoothies? Ruh-uh. There was some serious resistance. And this week, […]

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weekend round-up

It’s been a while since I’ve done a linky roundup, and there are all sorts of things going on around these parts. It’s San Diego Veg Week! Pledge to go meatless from September 25 to October 2. There are grocery store shopping tours, cooking classes, nutrition lectures, and more to help get you on track. […]

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csa share 09/22/11

We skipped a week of our CSA while I was in New York last week. The pickings were slim in the fridge when I got home and I was so excited to have fresh food again. What better way to celebrate the last day of summer than with a last hurrah bounty of summer produce? […]

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Back IIN Action

September has been an action-packed month! And it’s not over yet… My husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary by having 4 house guests over the course of a week. Two days after they all left, I flew to New York City (it’s a long way there from San Diego!) to spend the weekend […]

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