Friday Finds 11.09.12

by Stacy

Friday Finds 11.09.12 from

Fun fact: we have a “vault garage” with no access other than the garage door itself, so when our remote stopped working, we had to call someone. Yep, I just paid a man to break into my garage.

The election mailers have all been recycled, it’s finally below 80 degrees in San Diego, persimmons are in season, and I’m finally ready to think about Thanksgiving food.

Things that caught my eye around the intertubes this week:

My mom arrived on Monday, my aunt is in town, and my friend is throwing us a baby shower at my house this weekend. Naps all around!

What are your Thanksgiving plans? (Or, what did you do for Thanksgiving, Canadians?)

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

petit4chocolatier November 9, 2012 at 6:47 pm

The picture of the trees are gorgeous colours! Love the Instagram!
Happy Friday!
petit4chocolatier recently posted..Large Boston Creme Cupcakes with Chocolate and White Frosting, Vanilla Pudding & a Cherry on TopMy Profile


Stacy November 10, 2012 at 3:22 pm

Thank you! It was from our drive in Wyoming in late September, and actually my big ol’ DSLR. =)
Those Boston Cream Cupcakes are dangerous to look at before lunch…


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