sunny saturday

by Stacy

How is your weekend going so far?

A foot of snow fell in Minnesota last night and today, but here in SoCal we had clear skies for a balmy 78 degree day. Perfect outdoor weather, and we took advantage of it. I should get a few posts out of the day’s activities for sure.

Speaking of activities, our neighborhood farmer’s market is on Thursdays (we pick up our CSA there every other week). This week I called up a friend who lives down the street and bullied sweet-talked her into walking over to the market with us. The hubby even came along because I told him that was the only way I would make him an apple crisp. We got fresh air, exercise, chat time, and fresh produce. Win!

farmers market food pyramid

Here’s my farmer’s market food pyramid. I like it better than the USDA version.

I resisted Brussels sprouts and beauuuutiful artichokes (both tiny purple ones and huge lovely green globes). There were tons of squash and tomatoes. We skipped the tomatoes but then stupidly realized that we needed some on Friday — too late.

We get so many veggies from the CSA share that I try not to overload, but I go a little fruit-crazy at the market. Grapes are also in season and I managed to skip them this week. My friend who came along got some great veggies, then grabbed a pack of local handmade jalapeno tortillas on the way out (we sampled them and they’re really good).

What’s your favorite thing to buy at the farmer’s market?

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Comments? I love feedback and suggestions! Leave them below or email me.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Mom November 14, 2010 at 10:14 am

I love to get the little eggplants so I can make pasta ala Norma. Then I remember our trip to Sicily.


Jen R. ( November 16, 2010 at 4:13 pm

I like to buy the homemade jellies. My favorite is made from violets!


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